You decided wisely ,the picture looks so great.Nice to see a teamwork from you Caro,keep up the good work.I also finished your picture but I don't have a scanner to show it.Maybe I will have to wait till vacs end,it just depends.
ya te iba a decir "cuando aprendiste a hacer ese efecto tan chevere..enseñame!" XD ooo quedo genial!!!! prometo trabajar en Noelle despues o__o tengo que hacer mi dibujito de navidad o entraré en crisis existencial hahahaha
Moderator | Posted 01/29/10 | Reply
Scythes are my favorite weapons (and also fancy guns), great job coloring her. The lighting is great, she looks so elegant.
The Trichomona (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
Aunque el coloreado tambn está chevre creo que lo más bonito es el dibujo en si! Felicitaciones Kro
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/14/10 | Reply
Nice line art! I like the lighting. Well done with the coloring and shading. =)
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/25/09 | Reply
You decided wisely ,the picture looks so great.Nice to see a teamwork from you Caro,keep up the good work.I also finished your picture but I don't have a scanner to show it.Maybe I will have to wait till vacs end,it just depends.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
wow this looks amazing great lineart and great colouring makes thing picture doubly great!
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
this is awesome!
I love the lineart and the coloring!
great combination!
great job!
keep it up!
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/21/09 | Reply
ya te iba a decir "cuando aprendiste a hacer ese efecto tan chevere..enseñame!" XD ooo quedo genial!!!! prometo trabajar en Noelle despues o__o tengo que hacer mi dibujito de navidad o entraré en crisis existencial hahahaha