For a moment I thought this was a wallpaper, lol. Great coloring as usual. Love the blood stain you added. =)
And there is a meme I want to do with you, lol.
"my god.. i wish i can color just like her...~~~" <3
u color, i draw.. hows that..? =P let me know if there's something u want me to draw.... then i'll send u the sketch and then u color....~~ *only if u have time to collab with me..* XD
and oh.. my stuff probably pops out coz i draw close ups too often... XD
Thanks! ^_^ It was very fun coloring your art, I kept on saying "my god i wish i can draw characters that pop out like hers" XD, during the whole time i was coloring her XD
waiii..~~ i just love ur colors.. pro and cool.. this is awesome....~~ great gradience and skin tone... it's so like u.. *^^* keep it up..~~ it's really an amazing style...
thanks so much for coloring... i love it a lot..~~~ <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
For a moment I thought this was a wallpaper, lol. Great coloring as usual.
Love the blood stain you added. =)
And there is a meme I want to do with you, lol.
Sold my soul (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
LOL happens to all of us.
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
"my god.. i wish i can color just like her...~~~" <3
u color, i draw.. hows that..? =P let me know if there's something u want me to draw.... then i'll send u the sketch and then u color....~~ *only if u have time to collab with me..* XD
and oh.. my stuff probably pops out coz i draw close ups too often... XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
lol, you're right I just noticed XD
Sold my soul (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
awesome coloring! but shouldn't it be 'you're' instead of 'your'
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/18/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
Thanks! ^_^ It was very fun coloring your art, I kept on saying "my god i wish i can draw characters that pop out like hers" XD, during the whole time i was coloring her XD
reirei18 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
waiii..~~ i just love ur colors.. pro and cool.. this is awesome....~~ great gradience and skin tone... it's so like u.. *^^* keep it up..~~ it's really an amazing style...
thanks so much for coloring... i love it a lot..~~~ <3
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
Wow, its so awesome. Your coloring beautiful as always. :3