What are you talking about? I like this artwork! And if there's some who makes you felt like you shouldn't submit this, then that's their prob!
I hope I'll be seeing Senpai's artwork in the near future!!!
I feel so stupid putting this up. What was I thinking, putting this up?! I'm gonna go hide...
Thank you for your words, though! I'm glad someone like me can touch the hearts of those who have actually felt this way. >< I can sort of reach out to them in a way...><
I don't know why...maybe I'm being sensitive...but I once felt like I'm about to overflow too...your artwork will touches the hearts of those who have actually felt this way, and it does touched my heart...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/06/10 | Reply
l feel better now. Thanks! l hope to see more of yours too!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/05/10 | Reply
What are you talking about? I like this artwork! And if there's some who makes you felt like you shouldn't submit this, then that's their prob!

I hope I'll be seeing Senpai's artwork in the near future!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
I feel so stupid putting this up. What was I thinking, putting this up?! I'm gonna go hide...
Thank you for your words, though! I'm glad someone like me can touch the hearts of those who have actually felt this way. >< I can sort of reach out to them in a way...><
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/04/10 | Reply
I don't know why...maybe I'm being sensitive...but I once felt like I'm about to overflow too...your artwork will touches the hearts of those who have actually felt this way, and it does touched my heart...