wait.. what_!_!
it didnt update in your backroom, yet you still saw this?! what?!
im so lost now lol
what did you guys do? come check my gallery everyday or soemthing? =.=
i'm confused too
but i think here's what happened
like, my coworkers wanted to see my gallery, so i hid this drawing by putting it in scraps
yesterday, i got bored and brought it back into my gallery
so it said..that.... yeah... lol
i think
I'm confused...how...how did you submit this again? O__O It says it was created today, but you submitted this like a month ago...all the hugs and comments are the same from then lol. What happened? XD I'm confused! Uh, super sexy again!! XD
What I meant was that I might be travelling around Christmas, so I won’t be able to get you anything then
Thus, I’m giving you an extremely early Christmas present now XD
And of course, Kross would act like your puppy in a heartbeat if you’d just give the command =P
Too bad I messed up on his scar lmfho
But it’s okay, the idea is there
The two naked guys were heavily referenced from a LOT of places, there’s no way I’m that pro
I still don’t know what “senegal bichirs” are.. but YAY!!
So, I’m in 3rd place now? :3
and i want expecting this untill xmas
wow - and u did a front view of Kross who looks way too willing to be chained up and his scar =D = i remember that was on ur to do list
the pic is beautiful XD - look at those bodies
u've gotten better with drawing - neine looks hot
and the boys......wel letsa im not complaining XD !!!!!
thanskkkkkkkkkkkkks - u jumped my love list to being above my senegal bichirs now XD
but i just got too distracted by the movies that i didnt notice the sizingtil AFTER i did everything!!
i'm sad.......
and yeah, i'd completely want to add some angst, but
a) Kross loves Bic, so it wouldnt make sense
b) [the main reason] in case certain people from my life sees my gallery, i don't want/need them to think i need to go to a mental hospital for abnormal fetishs lol
i mean, i have blood in a lot of my drawings, and just this year, i got bold enough to add a bit of chains and stuff, that's already going over the limit >_<
Holy crap...the smex...my goodness, I'm in love WITH ALL OF THE SEXY MEN. I WISH I COULD DRAW SMEX LIKE THAT. Then I could come up with all my fantasies. *_____* Now I REALLY want you to draw Belimai (the guy from my challenge). YOU HAVE TO. ;__; Goodness. Wonderful job.
I dunno... hot men in chains. I wish their expressions were a bit more serious or angsty or showed some contempt.
Then my reaction would be more like: hothothot.
OTHERWISE. Very nice.
OH. I just caught a part of the description. okay, so Mr. YayBondage wants to be all tied up xD and Mr. LessWilling is just a little less willing. So forgot the above.
The bodies are just fine. Their muscles are nicely defined. I guess I do see whatchya mean about the size though. Lightweights. lol.
well, i just helped build a little shed
so seeing a mansion isn't that bad
that picture looks morelike a toy house model than an actual photo of a realplace XD
plus, i REALLY don'tthink you ahve a plane/helocopter to take that shot... or else i'll bribe/seduce/threaten you to give me a few free rides lol
what can i say man, i've neverheard someone who would giggle because they see hot guys (which is what i'm assuming you're giggling about instead of the fact that there's a lot of wrongs in this drawing and that you're not giggling to make fun of me wow this is such a horrifying run-on sentence without any commas or periods lmfho)
wait, is that a good no comment? or a bad no comment? XD
be honest, i can take it =]
(especially since it's Bic's anyway lmfho)
but i like to know the general public's opinion, for future reference XD
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/29/10 | Reply
i just realized...
you gave you a christmas present here already =__=;;;;;
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/07/10 | Reply
thats weird.. that it'd be resubmitted like that
and i'm sad to find that you dont actually stalk me T.T
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/07/10 | Reply
wait.. what_!_!
it didnt update in your backroom, yet you still saw this?! what?!
im so lost now lol
what did you guys do? come check my gallery everyday or soemthing? =.=
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/07/10 | Reply
@reirei18 :
store it well somewhere near blackberry, so you won't lose it again when i go back to toronto XD
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/07/10 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
i'm confused too
but i think here's what happened
like, my coworkers wanted to see my gallery, so i hid this drawing by putting it in scraps
yesterday, i got bored and brought it back into my gallery
so it said..that.... yeah... lol
i think
reirei18.com (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/06/10 | Reply
early present.. i want one too.... btw, i found the drawing... XD
*hugs* rei..~~<3
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/06/10 | Reply
I'm confused...how...how did you submit this again? O__O It says it was created today, but you submitted this like a month ago...all the hugs and comments are the same from then lol. What happened? XD I'm confused! Uh, super sexy again!! XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/12/10 | Reply
I can only imagine...
You're very welcome.
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/10 | Reply
if i had no restrictions, i'd have made them have some sexier expression -wink-
but thanks! =]
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/12/10 | Reply
W-wow...I don't think I can express how hot this pic is. I LOVE the eyes.

Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/10 | Reply
What I meant was that I might be travelling around Christmas, so I won’t be able to get you anything then
Thus, I’m giving you an extremely early Christmas present now XD
And of course, Kross would act like your puppy in a heartbeat if you’d just give the command =P
Too bad I messed up on his scar lmfho
But it’s okay, the idea is there
The two naked guys were heavily referenced from a LOT of places, there’s no way I’m that pro
I still don’t know what “senegal bichirs” are.. but YAY!!
So, I’m in 3rd place now? :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/12/10 | Reply
That's a good no comment :P It's like saying "Well, Sh*t, I'm speachless..." and it makes me want to drool O_o'' tee hee
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/10 | Reply
wow - i got 4 ppl for the price of two XD!!!!!!
and i want expecting this untill xmas
wow - and u did a front view of Kross
who looks way too willing to be chained upand his scar =D = i remember that was on ur to do listthe pic is beautiful XD - look at those bodies
u've gotten better with drawing - neine looks hot
and the boys......wel letsa im not complaining XD !!!!!
thanskkkkkkkkkkkkks - u jumped my love list to being above my senegal bichirs now XD
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
lol, he's on my list to do
though it'd be nice if i can read the story....
then i'd get a better feel of him..
warning: by the time i draw him, you might even have forgotten i was going to draw him lol
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
@Shi Bum Bumm:
but i just got too distracted by the movies that i didnt notice the sizingtil AFTER i did everything!!
i'm sad.......
and yeah, i'd completely want to add some angst, but
a) Kross loves Bic, so it wouldnt make sense
b) [the main reason] in case certain people from my life sees my gallery, i don't want/need them to think i need to go to a mental hospital for abnormal fetishs lol
i mean, i have blood in a lot of my drawings, and just this year, i got bold enough to add a bit of chains and stuff, that's already going over the limit >_<
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
Holy crap...the smex...my goodness, I'm in love WITH ALL OF THE SEXY MEN. I WISH I COULD DRAW SMEX LIKE THAT. Then I could come up with all my fantasies. *_____* Now I REALLY want you to draw Belimai (the guy from my challenge). YOU HAVE TO. ;__; Goodness. Wonderful job.
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
I dunno... hot men in chains. I wish their expressions were a bit more serious or angsty or showed some contempt.
Then my reaction would be more like: hothothot.
OTHERWISE. Very nice.
OH. I just caught a part of the description. okay, so Mr. YayBondage wants to be all tied up xD and Mr. LessWilling is just a little less willing. So forgot the above.
The bodies are just fine. Their muscles are nicely defined. I guess I do see whatchya mean about the size though. Lightweights. lol.
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
well, i just helped build a little shed
so seeing a mansion isn't that bad
that picture looks morelike a toy house model than an actual photo of a realplace XD
plus, i REALLY don'tthink you ahve a plane/helocopter to take that shot... or else i'll bribe/seduce/threaten you to give me a few free rides lol
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
what can i say man, i've neverheard someone who would giggle because they see hot guys (which is what i'm assuming you're giggling about instead of the fact that there's a lot of wrongs in this drawing and that you're not giggling to make fun of me wow this is such a horrifying run-on sentence without any commas or periods lmfho)
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
so hot >__<
if i were an animal bigger than the size of a rabbit,i'd want to mate with him lmfho
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
wait, is that a good no comment? or a bad no comment? XD
be honest, i can take it =]
(especially since it's Bic's anyway lmfho)
but i like to know the general public's opinion, for future reference XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
wow! sexy
the picture is awesome! :D
Last edited by stinamuffin at 4:55:50 PM CDT on August 11, 2010.
Moderator | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
I can't believe I giggled out loud, I never do that o___o This is THAT sexy, I love it, long live the art of SxM >w<!!!
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
Agreed.. I'm stuck in a speechless state of drooling...
The lion's name was Kovu. Least that's the only male one I can think of that isn't Simba or Nuka...
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/11/10 | Reply
Lulz, wowie. *Ehem* I don't think I even have anything else to say about this...