You are very welcome, N!! :D Now you've made ME happy as well!! I didn't know you'd love it so much!! I'm extremely glad!! It means so much to me to read your kind words! And for all the chibis to touch you to tears is awesome. I've always wanted to create art that brings out emotions :) It was a pleasure and an honor to draw this for you, N! Your dogs seem to be really awesome friends, and I hope your mom will enjoy it as well And for it to be framed!... wow I feel so special right now^^ Thank YOU so much for asking me, N! Anytime! *hugs* Merry Christmas to you and your family too!! Catch you later!
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/22/11 | Reply
OH MY F***ING GAWD!!! O///A//O' I knew you were good but this is beyond good, this is like beyond words for me! I don't even know what to say and I can't even begin to describe how amazing this is!!! You did a beautiful job on this but no matter how much I try to describe this but no words can describe this!!! It actually brings me to tears because all of the cockers have passed on and it makes me teary eyed because you drew them so well. You did them justice! Thank you so much! Thank you I love it so much and all of the dogs! You captured their essence!!! Thank you Mangakid, I love you so much right now!! *huggles* Merry Christmas and this will be beautiful in a frame!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/23/11 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/22/11 | Reply
OH MY F***ING GAWD!!! O///A//O' I knew you were good but this is beyond good, this is like beyond words for me! I don't even know what to say and I can't even begin to describe how amazing this is!!! You did a beautiful job on this but no matter how much I try to describe this but no words can describe this!!! It actually brings me to tears because all of the cockers have passed on and it makes me teary eyed because you drew them so well. You did them justice! Thank you so much! Thank you I love it so much and all of the dogs! You captured their essence!!! Thank you Mangakid, I love you so much right now!! *huggles* Merry Christmas and this will be beautiful in a frame!!!
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/22/11 | Reply
Awwwwww they are all so cute!
I want to cuddle all of them 
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/22/11 | Reply
lol thankyou! ^_^ Have a great Christmas!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/22/11 | Reply
i totally envy your chibi dog drawing skills! cool piece!