The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/13 | Reply
If I were to look at this artwork outside the context of an anime/manga-fandom site, I would still see this as heavily manga-influenced. There's no need to worry if this is "manga enough." I do understand your concern that it might not meld well with the other pages / content, so I suppose just put this image next to some sample pages and see what the effect is like, make a mock-up. In my mind, it wouldn't be a problem.
I do really like the color style here - it's more complex than many of the other color works you've submitted, I think. And that really has to do with the introduction of different color casts, etc. There are highlights of different colors in the skin and hair, and a little touch of warmth and coolness on the shoulder. That helps give it added depth and visual interest. Many of the other works, it looks like, are a little more flat in coloring - the shadows are a single darker shade of the main color, without these other tones brought in. Of course, that style is also valid, but I find this coloring more interesting - and by the way, very well executed!
From your description, I think even the nose and mouth for this are on the complex side compared to most manga! ^^
This style is definitely not under consideration for my whole manga, thank goodness. ^^ The pages are still going to be the traditional B&W that we see. I was just posing the question for anything color that I might do related to the manga, and I guess that's where I was concerned about the departure in style: this more semi-realistic style compared to the B&W pages. (Though even the B&W is perhaps still on the more semi-realistic side compared to the average manga.)
And no worries about the long-windedness! I really appreciate your time and thoughtfulness. <3
Haha, no worries on the cartoony front. I don't think I'll be going in that direction in my personal work anytime soon. ^^
In some ways, the fact that it is for my personal manga makes it harder to me to figure out what I want to do because there is no one giving me any specifications, LOL! I always end up torn between different styles that I love.
Thank you guys for all these replies! ^^ And thanks for your compliments as well. <3
Just a quick clarification. I meant for my question to just be about the color artwork that would go along with the manga, like cover art and stuff like that. The manga pages themselves are still B&W.
Personally, I really love this style^^. There is a lot of manga that are drawn like that. I deeply think that you are good (and not just a litle) so don't change your style. We need of everything to make a world and the world need art like yours.
The funny thing is, what 'manga-style' (MS) different from realism is the way human features are presented. For the most part (on the whole) things are dramatically simplified, with major characteristics (like eyes, nose, lips) hinted at rather than drawn all the way in. The mouth becomes a simple line, doing away with the lips, and noses are simplified to sometimes just the nostrils. Features are more hinted at as being there than truly being drawn in.
Another thing that makes MS, MS is the difference in facial construction. Eyes are, for the most part (not on the whole) bigger than realism, and the forehead is generally larger on a MS drawing than with realism.
Your drawing here is a happy little semi-realistic style. You have many of the details that, traditionally make this a realistic drawing (the detail in and around the eyes), but many things that make this an MS drawing (the simple lines of the nose, and mouth). It’s a very effective and nice melding of the two.
If you have the patience for drawing like this for your personal manga (I can imagine that this might be time consuming) than I think you should do it. The beauty of drawing MS for a full length manga with very real (and painful) deadlines is that the simplicity if often a pleasant and saving grace. That and you have to be careful to balance your backgrounds out with this style so it doesn't look... off. There are many effective ways to do that, however.
Looks right fine, Honey. And, I don't think its that much of a dramatic departure from ''traditional'' MS style.
I dunno what's manga style anymore...But I know think it's too huge of a departure. I've seen some manga that looks almost completely realistic, some that is only somewhat manga style.
Also, if it's for your personal story you do it whatever way you like it! If you're comfortable with this style, then go for it!
Semi-realism is totally fine in the manga world (as long as it's not cartoon-y...then it's not really manga, is it?).
Jenny Lyn Young
JinYukiChan (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/29/13 | Reply
he is gorgeous!!!
snow fox
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/01/13 | Reply
If I were to look at this artwork outside the context of an anime/manga-fandom site, I would still see this as heavily manga-influenced. There's no need to worry if this is "manga enough." I do understand your concern that it might not meld well with the other pages / content, so I suppose just put this image next to some sample pages and see what the effect is like, make a mock-up. In my mind, it wouldn't be a problem.
I do really like the color style here - it's more complex than many of the other color works you've submitted, I think. And that really has to do with the introduction of different color casts, etc. There are highlights of different colors in the skin and hair, and a little touch of warmth and coolness on the shoulder. That helps give it added depth and visual interest. Many of the other works, it looks like, are a little more flat in coloring - the shadows are a single darker shade of the main color, without these other tones brought in. Of course, that style is also valid, but I find this coloring more interesting - and by the way, very well executed!
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/26/12 | Reply
From your description, I think even the nose and mouth for this are on the complex side compared to most manga! ^^
This style is definitely not under consideration for my whole manga, thank goodness. ^^ The pages are still going to be the traditional B&W that we see. I was just posing the question for anything color that I might do related to the manga, and I guess that's where I was concerned about the departure in style: this more semi-realistic style compared to the B&W pages. (Though even the B&W is perhaps still on the more semi-realistic side compared to the average manga.)
And no worries about the long-windedness! I really appreciate your time and thoughtfulness. <3
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/26/12 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Haha, no worries on the cartoony front. I don't think I'll be going in that direction in my personal work anytime soon. ^^
In some ways, the fact that it is for my personal manga makes it harder to me to figure out what I want to do because there is no one giving me any specifications, LOL! I always end up torn between different styles that I love.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/26/12 | Reply
Thank you guys for all these replies! ^^ And thanks for your compliments as well. <3
Just a quick clarification. I meant for my question to just be about the color artwork that would go along with the manga, like cover art and stuff like that. The manga pages themselves are still B&W.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/23/12 | Reply
Amazing and absolutely love it. More than envious.
Black Crow
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/23/12 | Reply
Personally, I really love this style^^. There is a lot of manga that are drawn like that. I deeply think that you are good (and not just a litle) so don't change your style.
We need of everything to make a world and the world need art like yours.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/12 | Reply
The funny thing is, what 'manga-style' (MS) different from realism is the way human features are presented. For the most part (on the whole) things are dramatically simplified, with major characteristics (like eyes, nose, lips) hinted at rather than drawn all the way in. The mouth becomes a simple line, doing away with the lips, and noses are simplified to sometimes just the nostrils. Features are more hinted at as being there than truly being drawn in.
Another thing that makes MS, MS is the difference in facial construction. Eyes are, for the most part (not on the whole) bigger than realism, and the forehead is generally larger on a MS drawing than with realism.
Your drawing here is a happy little semi-realistic style. You have many of the details that, traditionally make this a realistic drawing (the detail in and around the eyes), but many things that make this an MS drawing (the simple lines of the nose, and mouth). It’s a very effective and nice melding of the two.
If you have the patience for drawing like this for your personal manga (I can imagine that this might be time consuming) than I think you should do it. The beauty of drawing MS for a full length manga with very real (and painful) deadlines is that the simplicity if often a pleasant and saving grace. That and you have to be careful to balance your backgrounds out with this style so it doesn't look... off. There are many effective ways to do that, however.
Looks right fine, Honey. And, I don't think its that much of a dramatic departure from ''traditional'' MS style.
Annnnnnnd I talk a lot.
Holy Man.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/12 | Reply
I dunno what's manga style anymore...But I know think it's too huge of a departure. I've seen some manga that looks almost completely realistic, some that is only somewhat manga style.
Also, if it's for your personal story you do it whatever way you like it! If you're comfortable with this style, then go for it!
Semi-realism is totally fine in the manga world (as long as it's not cartoon-y...then it's not really manga, is it?).
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/22/12 | Reply
Looks manga enough to me. I just love your style.