U _U no i was too much of a lazybutt to make it lol;; it's a texture/shape/pattern thing i got from pixiv forever ago! although you could probably just make a section of it and then copy paste and rotate it until you made a circle of it!
I've always loved your chibis regardless of the style soooo~
I AM JUST GLAD TO BE SEEING ART FROM YOU AGAINi win the first spot in your new portfolio mwahaha you've always been one of my favorite artists here and I kind of freaked when you left for a while xD
But ahh thank you for this. I really do love it. :D
the ever changing chibi style wweh;;
kjnkgjbn i'm glad you like it IT BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I LAST DREW A MEW HEH;; she is a cutie and it was fun to draw her~ ; v;
;u; I feel like it's been so long since you've updated, even though I've been keeping up with your art on tumblr. Finally, I get to comment on it again! ;0;
This chibi style is really cute! c: The eyes are really big and watery. :D /obvious statement
But still, very nice. c:
Also, did you draw the background-think yourself? :o
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/13/13 | Reply
Awesome! This is so cute, I really like the design.
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/13 | Reply
ahhhh i'm cry because i'm actually leaving again after this.........i'll pop by to check out what others are post but wweh no art from me OTL
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/13 | Reply
U _U no i was too much of a lazybutt to make it lol;; it's a texture/shape/pattern thing i got from pixiv forever ago! although you could probably just make a section of it and then copy paste and rotate it until you made a circle of it!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/13 | Reply
Haha, you're right. But that's okay, you do what you want. :)
Oh, okay! c: I wasn't sure if you had, so I was just asking to clarify.
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/15/13 | Reply
oh! so cute XD
how'd u draw that circle thing in the bg? OoO!? its so cute/pretty
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/13 | Reply
Awwww this is Way cute my friend..You sure know how to shade and all..Keep up the amazing artist that you are..
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/13 | Reply
I've always loved your chibis regardless of the style soooo~
i win the first spot in your new portfolio mwahahayou've always been one of my favorite artists here and I kind of freaked when you left for a while xDBut ahh thank you for this. I really do love it. :D
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/13 | Reply
the ever changing chibi style wweh;;
kjnkgjbn i'm glad you like it IT BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I LAST DREW A MEW HEH;; she is a cutie and it was fun to draw her~ ; v;
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/13 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
U _U it has been a while since any proper sort of update anywhere besides tumblr lol;;
i did not! they're both from pixiv i think??? 8((( lmao it's been so long idek anymore
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/13 | Reply
Indeed it is you.
Ahhh I love this. Kasa looks so adorable in your chibi style and a;ljkslkjfs LET ME LOVE YOU ♥
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/13 | Reply
;u; I feel like it's been so long since you've updated, even though I've been keeping up with your art on tumblr. Finally, I get to comment on it again! ;0;
This chibi style is really cute! c: The eyes are really big and watery. :D /obvious statement
But still, very nice. c:
Also, did you draw the background-think yourself? :o