Thanks Hifsa! >O< You say such nice things! You do too! I love your watercolour painting you dedicated to me :) I can't wait to see more of your works, because I know they'll be stunning!
We're like watercolour buddies ^3^
Thank you Vosh! I agree with you on what you said. I love the tree and the sky, but the cathedral...well it makes it look rushed >O<
Thanks for your comments ^^
>O< Thank you!<3
The sky was personally my favourite as well! Just the colours are fun and pretty to paint! ^O^ The paintings were a real challenge, but very fun and rewarding to draw. I’m glad you liked all of them Jen! My favourite is the yellow and purple one ^^;, maybe I should try some more soon—after I finish trying people, and doing that picture with you and your sis!
Take care!
That's beautiful! I envy your painting skills. and I love old cathedrials and churches, I'm not very religiouse but there's just something about them that I find mysterious and beautiful.
OH SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the sky and colours!!! You are so good with watercolour, Bonnie! Its great to see the 3rd cathedral, you've done all 3 of them in such stunning ways! The detail and colour is amazing. I think this one is lovely despite the short time you spent.I can't thank you enough for the dedication, you are the best ^U^ I hope to see more works like this again in the future, you are so good at it Bonnie!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/26/14 | Reply
Hahaha, you do good work! I hope I make some more paintings, I don't get much time, lol.
Lizzy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/14 | Reply
... that's probably why I like the so much, I just couldn't figure out why... im a little slow.
Administrator | Posted 01/25/14 | Reply
Thank you again! I agree, there's something about cathedrals that draw people to them. They're really works of art :)
Find a reason to smile
Administrator | Posted 01/25/14 | Reply
Thanks Hifsa! >O< You say such nice things! You do too! I love your watercolour painting you dedicated to me :) I can't wait to see more of your works, because I know they'll be stunning!
We're like watercolour buddies ^3^
Find a reason to smile
Administrator | Posted 01/25/14 | Reply
Thank you Vosh! I agree with you on what you said. I love the tree and the sky, but the cathedral...well it makes it look rushed >O<
Thanks for your comments ^^
Find a reason to smile
Administrator | Posted 01/25/14 | Reply
Thank you! :D I appreciate the comment and happy you like it! :)
Find a reason to smile
Administrator | Posted 01/25/14 | Reply
>O< Thank you!<3
The sky was personally my favourite as well! Just the colours are fun and pretty to paint! ^O^ The paintings were a real challenge, but very fun and rewarding to draw. I’m glad you liked all of them Jen! My favourite is the yellow and purple one ^^;, maybe I should try some more soon—after I finish trying people, and doing that picture with you and your sis!
Take care!
Find a reason to smile
Lizzy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/14 | Reply
That's beautiful! I envy your painting skills. and I love old cathedrials and churches, I'm not very religiouse but there's just something about them that I find mysterious and beautiful.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/25/14 | Reply
Waaaah! This is gorgeous! <33333 You have such control with water colors <333333
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/14 | Reply
Amazing! The colors look beautiful!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/24/14 | Reply
OH SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the sky and colours!!! You are so good with watercolour, Bonnie! Its great to see the 3rd cathedral, you've done all 3 of them in such stunning ways! The detail and colour is amazing. I think this one is lovely despite the short time you spent.I can't thank you enough for the dedication, you are the best ^U^ I hope to see more works like this again in the future, you are so good at it Bonnie!!