Anyways, I do hint something is slightly off. The clothing is difficult to see where it begins and when it ends. Slightly. Or it just might be me. The proportioning is a tiny bit off, but for something you did when you were bored, it is damn good!
~Tainted Souls of Malice~
~Purest Spirits of Heart~
_Ghouls of undying Vengeance_
_Vampira bathed in Blood_
Another great picture. ^_^ Cagalli does look like Mir a bit in this shot. I love Fllay's boots. So cool for her. Good job. Don't give up. Fight hana-chan fight!
Otakuite | Posted 09/23/05 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 06/26/05 | Reply
snow leo luv
Otakuite | Posted 06/22/05 | Reply
meow cat cat
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/05 | Reply