This was completely drawn and shaded out of permanent marker. It's a girl who was backstabbed... Hence the title of the piece. It could have two meanings, I suppose... A friend who betrayed her, or someone who is literally stabbing her in the back... Any way's fine. P.S. So far, I had comments on the head, saying that it was hard to tell what was going on. Well, I'll tell you why... Because it's the last thing I drew! Lol. At first, I was only concentrating on the body, then I wanted to post it up, but I didn't want people just looking at a body... I don't think I'd get comments that way, lol. So I added in the head and the arms in afterwards. I suppose that's why it's hard to see what's going on. Well, her head is forced up... Chin is pointing up and stuff. Can you see the ear? Does that help? ./October 13, 2006/ Black permanent marker Green permanent marker
TrigunMax (Fan Art Portfolio)

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- Created
- 10/14/06
- Category
- Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- back, backstabber, stabber
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