Atsuro and Yuka!!!!!!
Yay! Another theme bites the dust! Brawhahah!!!
Another quickie that I made this one is #50 breaking the rules from the 100 manga theme challenge
If you are a fan of the anime you might not know but Yuka and Atsuro are in a relationship. ^.^ In the manga their little snipet is called "Forbidden Phrase" and tells about how they became a couple. Yes, they are brother and sister---by marriage. They aren't blood related (as Atsuro constantly points out in the snipet. So, that is why this is "breaking the rules" I figured a taboo love would be snapping apart the rules of society.
But, as one might notice, no Santa-san in this one *sighs* I decided that instead of having them ALL about him that I will make it mostly (90% or more) about Kaikan Phrase (since I already have one from Escaflowne).
/ucifer characters belong to Mayu Shinjo.