Wow. Mephistopheles with his face. Still in one peice. Ha. WELLLLL. Here, he's still an angel, and he's the guardian for this little girl because no one else would be her ward. She's a lab rat, basically, for some fncko *nod* That tube on her head holds an extra, and massive, amount of cerebrospinal fluid. For what? I haven't the foggiest yet. She, of course, has no legs, and only one arm, and is blind and mute. BUTTTTT. She's happy that she's getting to touch someone, and actually getting to eat meat. The meat, of course, is of the man who conducted the tests on her. Mephistopheles is so nice in a scary kinda cannabalistic kinda way. X3 Oh well, at least it tastes good and she's happy. Oh, by the way, this was done in eight minutes. Seriously. I watched the clock. D: I was waiting in the science lab, and yeah. :D Hence the bad quality with the crappy red pen.
CERM (Fan Art Portfolio)
The Guardian

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- Created
- 12/14/06
- Category
- Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- cerm, mephistopheles, sketchy-poo
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