An OC of mine, not gonna see much of her though. Drawn for the artbook Ju Lah for Comic Fiesta. EDIT: I realise that this pic was moved to the "Fan Characters" category by the staff. Let me clarify this, when I say OC, I mean an original character of mine. I.e. They do not belong in an existing Anime, but one which I have created. In this case, this IS an original anime of MY OWN. I have read the rules, I know where to put which piece. I tried to contact the staff about it but there was nothing so yeah, I'll just explain it here if they find this again =__=" Thanks for viewing.
Annachuu (Fan Art Portfolio)

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- Created
- 12/16/06
- Category
- Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- cloth, comic fiesta, fabric, girl, oc, original
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- 6 votes
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- 6 members
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