Title: The Ramen Nazi
The Story
When you’re on the road, you tend to miss the places you’re familiar with. For three years, Naruto has been away from his village, and has had to stop at foreign places for something to eat. Most times you’d stop at the first place you see, which in Naruto’s case is a soup stand, that doesn’t sell ramen, and whose owner...well, we’ll just say do things his way, or it’s NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!
My Take:
This is easily one of my favorite ideas. Needless to say the idea was from the “Soup Nazi” episode of Seinfeld. Originally I was going to put the ramen shop guy in there (I forget his name), but since he didn’t come out so well, why not try drawing the guy that gave me the idea in the first place.
What I Like Most
I was able to make a cartoon/anime caricature of the Soup Nazi.
What I Dislike Most
Naruto’s Hair. With my many attempts at drawing him, I rarely got it to look decent. This time was no exception, as I ended up cropping most of it out.
Final Thoughts
I’m glad I finally got this one on paper, this idea came to me a few months ago, but I just couldn’t get it started.