This is my contest entry for Sailor Usagi Chan's Tokyo Mew Mew Art Contest. ^_^ This took me a while to do. It kinda sux though. ^_^" The hair for the mew on the right (Mew Sakura) was sooo hard to do! I couldnt find the right shade of color. -_- But I did my best. ^_^"" Sooo from left to right it's Mew Myrtille, Mew Mango, and Mew Sakura. The bg of this drawing is supposed to be like the wilderness or somethin since animals live in the wilderness and stuff. xP Mango's smile kinda reminds me of Rock Lee's Good-guy pose lol freaky. xPPPP Comments and votes are appreciated. L8r pplz MEW MYRTILLE AND MEW SAKURA BELONG TO OTAKU USER SAILOR USAGI CHAN. MEW MANGO BELONGS TO ME. DO NOT STEAL.
nejisgirl (Fan Art Portfolio)
Art Contest

- Created
- 02/11/07
- Category
- Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art
- Tags
- mews, tokyo mew mew
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- Votes
- 2 votes
- Favorited
- 2 members
- Member Dedication
- Everyone
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- This work is not available for use in other pieces
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