Sceadu FerDeu (Fan Art Portfolio) Ratori God-form

Ratori God-form
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Ahem... Tis Ratori, drawn in his god form for Whtdragon's challege! He is a god anyways, but I've fianlly got the movation to ACTUALY draw it lol Nyah! Okey, here's teh back story on this duude... He USED to be a warrior of the Raha, it was that or AHEEM!-nudgenudgewinkwink- Yah, good choice, Ratori... So during one of the conquests he was in, he saw one of the Whitstone, a magical stone, (three in all, GET YOURS TODAY!!!lol). Marble, Onyx, and Granite. -Marble Whitstone grants your deepest darkest greedy little dream life (Ratori's was god-hood) but it comes with much greif and agony. -Onyx Whitstone grants your humblest dream reality (such as saving your sisters life kinda thing...) with happiness for the rest of your puny pathetic life lol -Granite Whitstone removes curses, or rather puts them to sleep until generations later... There's a poem to this SOMEWHERE I made last year.... -trots off then turns around remembering you guys- Anywho, Ratori caught sight of the Marble Whitstone, also known as the Whitstone White. He was drawn to it like flies to a zapper light thingy (ok not the BEST analogy... ) Near the Whitstone there is all ways an Orb, the Orb Tsubani (or something like that... ) That's how you ask it for stuff... I think you know the rest -thinks- NOPE! Sooo he gave up his soul, and his powers are as follows: + Possession + Reanimation (himself and others) + Limited time travel, no later then his birth but anywhere during and after that + Reincarnation + Acess to the Dead Realm + Summoning of long past spirits and the like +Can assume the form of whatever age he pleases And the curses that went with it: + To maintain his immortal appearance, he must drink blood of the young every 4 hours (humans under 40, Sidhe under 1000) + If he does not drink blood reguaraly, he is forced to stay in his Phoenix form during the day, no exception (he's the son of Feu Forer) + He was granted to live as he liked, AS LONG AS he had no worshippers, then he must no longer live among the living. (he'd have to create a mini-realm-ish thing...) + He can NOT reanimate or summon his father (Well DUH! He shares Aras's body!!!) ITs ALL I can remember... His Aliases he gained as a god: - Ratori the Death Bringer - The Black Phoenix (His hair was dark maroon, then turned black as he became a god) - The Demonic Raven (He can assume the form of a rather large raven) - Ratori, The Raven of the Whitstone (white) - Ratori the Red Eyed - Blood Stealer - The Child Malinger - and finally, The Blood Betrayer (called by Feu Forer and Aras) yuppers... WHEW! normal Sidhe form:

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