angelchild2511 (Fan Art Portfolio) Requested: Kai And Rico

Requested: Kai And Rico
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someone requested that i put up sazaki's teamates when they were thirteen up here. well here they are. here's their status: name: Kai Homochi gender: male age: 13 hair color: brown eye color: indigo chakra nature: earth nartural abilies: telekenetic abilities learned/ given: can summon a female wolf named Tailia (is a Tammer like sazaki), can earth bend. personality: quiet, a smart-alek, but cares for his friends and his teamates. backround: his parents were killed by Loel (a siberian tiger spirit who is sealed inside Sazaki) and his older brother, Rei, took him to the Hidden Leaf Village to protect him. name: Rico Shishoni gender: male age: 14 hair color: blond eye color: green chakra nature: lightning natrual abilities: smart, is able to stay 20 steps ahead of his opponent. abilities learned/ given: shape shifter (the pale mark on his cheek is a scar that was given to him to recive his powers), can summon Talula of the Eagles (Tammer of the Eagles). personality: sarcastic, smart-alek, but kind and cares for his team. backround: Rico, the older of his two teamates, is often the voice of reason in the team. he loves Kai and Sazaki like an older brother would, and is often having to break up fights between the two. little is know of his past. i kinda screwed up on them, but oh well...

Naruto Fan Art
kai, naruto, rico
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