His name... is unknown! ^^ I'm not sure what to call him, his last name was Satoshi but that didn't fit him xP His name has to have a meaning in Japanese =3
I came up with Ikasu, Kibaya and Kenkai x3 lol they all have meanings but i forgot what they were ^^/ I think Ikasu meant: to be cool, to be smart, to be blah blah blah xD
Akabudoushu = Red wine, aka means red, budoushu means wine. =3 or grapevine *something related to alchohol*
So, just to make it shorter, he's part of a "terrorific" (xD) yakuza group =3 He's like the fifth member or something, *doesn't remember the profiles*
He's part of my story, Black Magic #13 ^^/ he fights my main character, this character uses a weapon called a Bo. =D It's like goku's (DBZ) long red pole *forgot what it was xD;;*.
fact: this character likes to smoke, not drink a lot, he barely does. He hates haircuts, his uneven haircut was done by his gang members =D he never has had another one again xD
The dark puddles in the picture = blood; light puddles = rain water =D
I hope you guys like, comment on what his name should be xD please vote and please comment! ^^/
P.S.S. yes the pic is a bit wrinkly o_o' sorry _xP