well im holding a contest the starting date is today and the ending date is may 24th, one of my mews and one of your mews or O.C. is what is asked to be drawed for my contest and after my contest ends the winers pictures will be posted on my site for every one to see, and the rules and prises are: prises- 1st - gets a picture that's colored and inked with your mew and one or two of my mews your pick and a chibi picture of your mew or O.C. 2nd - gets a chibi picture of there mew or O.C., or a picture of my mew and your mew, or a picture of your mew or your O.C. 3rd - gets a colored picture of there mew chibi or there O.C., or a reg. picture of your mew or O.C. 4th - gets a black and white picture of your mew or O.C. and even if you lose you still get a picture it will be a pencil drawing. dead line is may 24th i will take some late enterys so don't worry if it's a bit late just tell me before it's really late. rules are: no nudeity, i will take late enterys, and please put your enterys in the tokyo mew mew section or crossover anime section and make sure it's taged cgicontest so i can find your entery. well thats all and good luck to every one who enters!!! and sorry its mew ichigo sketch's the other side of the paper had better one's but my scanner was not wanting to scan all of it so this side had to do but yeah good luck again to all who enters!!!
cat girl ichigo (Fan Art Portfolio)

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- Created
- 04/12/07
- Category
- Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art
- Tags
- contest, mew ichigo, tokyo mew mew
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