Hah yes...*sweatdrop* i know...i doodled all over it with sharpie (and a lil fuglay pencil thing in the corner) .....hah hah...well, if ya cant read my writing frum left corner to right corner and kinda zigzagging along, it says: "wubbuhfuh buttercup?"......(teh ppg...i deed a bad job heh) then the green......"zits green cheese c'est fromage verte! *heart* " .....then i have "Dandruff man" (thats dandruff hes scratchin out heh heh) ...then that thing with the helmet sayin "moss" zlike: "cheer up ladi"..... then....the thing thats pointing to the thing on the main girl's back says "its a wing lol" .....then that chibi lookin thing of me thats holdin a 50 dollar bill says "A $50 for your thoughts" ........then...that thing on the left side says: "O_o why am I doodle poopin on ziz pictour?" ....then...the thing under that says: "Dolly-eeeeeeeeeeeeeee *twitch* " ......then right next to it its me pointin at a marker i drew saying: "Dis is a green sharpeee"..... then....that fuglay thing that resembles me (hah hah)....its says: You R Juz zealouz" enjoy all my blahful ba-doo-poopiez kya ha ha ha =^. .^= sorry soras-lil-angel for all the green crap on it and i know amy lee would never wear anything like this cuz its so ugly. i can get rid of the green stuff, funny as it is, if ya like, i was juz havin fun lolz! gah hah hah...sorry for all teh emo pix guys.... ANYWAYS, sorry dis is so long....plz vote/comment
Hot Cocoa (Fan Art Portfolio)
~*~::..art Trade..::~*~

- Created
- 05/07/07
- Category
- Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- amy lee, art trade, emo, mine art, soraslilangel
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- 5 votes
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