Jay-san80 (Fan Art Portfolio) I Still Believe

I Still Believe

Title: I Still Believe

The Story:
After Vegeta killed himself in an effort to take Buu with him, the group returned to Kami’s lookout where Goku told them of Gohan and Vegeta’s deaths. While everyone else was shocked, and saddened over the news, Videl still believed that Gohan was alive.

My Take:
This one has always been a favorite of mine. This time, I went with a different approach when I made the edge of Kami’s lookout. The rest of the background is pretty simple, high up in the sky, above the clouds, hence the cloud on the bottom of the screen there.

What I Like Most:
As with all of my re-makes, I was pleased with how much this has improved. I am especially pleased with how Gohan came out here, especially since I didn’t spend too much time on him.

What I Dislike Most:
There are plenty of times where I am my own worst critic, and have to fine something wrong, and this time is no exception. As I am most pleased with how Gohan came out, I also think his right eye could have been closer to his nose, with the way he is facing and all.

Final Thoughts:
This idea came from me going through some old CD's, and listening to Krayzie Bone's "I Still Believe" with Mariah Carey which is also where the title came from! It’s a great track, and I recommend you give it a listen.

Original Post: 8/21/05
Revised: 5/28/07

DragonBall Fan Art
gohan, videl
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7 members Favoritefavorite
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