I've been debating this for a while, whether I should kill off Kiyoko or have her continue. I really like her and I think a lot of you guys do too! ^^* The one to the left is a draft shippuuden outfit. I guarentee that's not the finished outfit, I was just messing with ideas. Basic Background: Kiyoko never fit in. She doesn't remember much of her past, except for her older brother. Her parents were never around. They were elite ninjas and never had time for their children so they abandoned them very young. She has no idea whether they are still alive ot not. And I'll continue her story soon. Comments and votes are welcome! ^^*
CheekiSquirrel (Fan Art Portfolio) Kiyoko - Timeskip
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- Created
- 06/13/07
- Category
- Naruto Fan Art
- Tags
- cheeki, kiyoko, naruto, o.c., shippuuden, timeskip
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- 81 votes
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- 57 members
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