CriesOfChimera (Fan Art Portfolio) Demistis

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Well, this was just a random drawing i had done in Science a while back, but i had liked it and colord it. I think i did well on the coloring of her, ne. She's chibi-ish in this, and i guess I should give her a background story. Okay, here goes:: Before she came a nobody, her full name was Demistris Lembratiste, and she lived on a small, unknown world called "Shevall." It was mainly all rainforrest and mountain. Demistris lived in a small amazonian community in the heart of the forrest area, and was orphaned at age 5 when her parents were eaten by wild beasts. Three years later, nobodies attacked. They destroyed everything and everyone, except her. The leader of the band, (I'll say Axel) found her after the attack and took her in. He hid her from everyone, and took her with him while her planet was eaten alive. She resented him for the longest time, and when she turned 16, she tried to flee from him and everyone around. But, they found her, captured her, and, well, saw she had a strong heart. Well, you kno how that goes, and she was turned into a nobody. From that, she stayed with Axel most of the time when in the presense of others of the Organization, just because she finally realized this was the fate he was trying to keep her from. She's normally very nice, and she won't turn anyone or anything into a nobody, unless she is being watched by Organization 13. Demistris is very gentle, but can fight when she's provoked. She loves music and animals, and has a HUGE crush on Roxas. Well, Sora, or something like that. She is very shy around everyone except Axel, and won't talk much. She hates this curse she has, but lives with it. (^_^; I kno it's crappy, but it's all I could really think of !) ~Ai-chan Oh, and I'm having a contest that ends the 30th (tho can be extended for some). just PM if you want to join. KungPowChicken is also having one that ends the same day, so just PM her if you want to join. ^_^

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
demistris, doodle, kh2
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