PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. Please view in high resolution. Well we had computer trouble yesterday with the cable hook up not working and all soo yeah... and well with the internet being down at my house and all it gave me some time to work on some of the line arts that I have to do and stuff... and well I got the entry to Charlie's contest finished and I have like 2 others for it too... Lol I got busy with it. Also I am gonna have this as a wallpaper section maybe I can ask one of my friends to jazz it up some Lol yeah... It has a white back ground but not much of it thought sooo yeah... Lol well that is all for now I will have to talk to you later... I am outta here!! ~Chimoko~
sasukesangel (Fan Art Portfolio) Kitty Kiss.*colored* Cm Contest
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- Created
- 06/20/07
- Category
- Fan Characters Fan Art
- Tags
- cats, contest, hakuro, hetero, lynn, oc, tokko
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- 37 votes
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- 27 members
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