Panda Pants (Fan Art Portfolio) Mew Mew... Kaki?

Mew Mew... Kaki?
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Yeah, so I got a PM from Sakurie reminding me about the contest. I gave up on it after I saw Sora's entry (seriously, she's going to win), but... here it is, anyway. Found some Rose Art colored pencil nubs hiding in the bottom of an old backpack of mine from second grade, so... that's what went into this, along with MSPaint's handy "clear selection" option (no, that BG was not made on Paint--I had it lying around on my hard drive; I think Kurayami from MMF made it). Now... you might be wondering (yeah, right) why I called her "Kaki" in the title. My reasoning is simple: I'm anal about the names of fan Mews, so I changed her original name, "Key", to a proper food name, "Persimmon." It's a one syllable change that doesn't make much of a difference in pronunciation, as "k" and "g" are used in the same manner in Japanese, for the most part. She wouldn't have to change her human name at all (a la Ichigo/Mew Mew Strawberry). GASP! What about Sylvrkatk's Mew?! YOU ARE A NAME-STEALER-ER-ER! D: She's Mew Persimmon, not Mew Kaki. It's the same concept as having a character named Blackberry/Raspberry and having a Kiichigo. Or, if you'd like to drag me into it, having a Licorice and a Kanzou. Yeah. Oh... and in an effort to debunk the whole "ZOMG VOTE/COMMENT MOAR!" movement that's popped up, I request that you do NOT vote or comment on this picture. I repeat, do NOT comment, do NOT vote. Everyone seems pretty good at that, so I imagine it's a fairly reasonable request. TTFN~

Fan Characters Fan Art
ffskagi, kagicon, tmmkagi
25 votes thumb
22 members Favoritefavorite
mewnicole Chiiyuki FMALuver1200 chocolatetuesday zakurokouga1 AnimeKitty23 Kazusa Rabbit Starfall Fire Fox Sakurie
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