Tsukasa Hack Sign (Fan Art Portfolio) Deidara And Kamiko

Deidara And Kamiko
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Deidara and my best friend's madeup, Kamiko in funny clothes. XD Here's the story we created for them with his real story added in towards the end.... Keep in mind the parts with Kamiko are only roleplay. ^-^ ......... A ninja born in Iwagakure, he lived in a small house on the mountainside. He attended the ninja training school just a few miles away. When he was around ten years old, he met a girl, her name was Kamiko and they became very close friends. They hung around alot. Kamiko's extraordinary powers caught the eye of Deidara's father. His father was an important man in Iwa's ANBU division. He could be discribed as obsessed, ANBU and himself was all Deidara's father seemed to think about. He begged Kamiko's parents over and over to let her join the ANBU and train under him. Each time the parents refused, stating that Kamiko was too young for ANBU and she needed to choose her own path. Her parents were in ANBU as well, they knew it was a rough life and difficult training. This, of course, did not set well with Deidara's father and resulted in the murder of Kamiko's parents. A deeply devastated Kamiko was adopted into Deidara's family. Deidara and Kamiko still remained best friends and enjoyed the prospect of being siblings, they trained every day and hung out as they always did. Told each other everything and they were conent... They even had nicknames for each other. She was "Bitsu" and he was "Dei-dei". Kamiko was brought into ANBU a month after her parent's death. Deidara's father never admitted to killing her parents and Iwa's ANBU troops were too busy to hold any kind of investigation. Kamiko was always the favored one in the eyes of Deidara's father for her great power. In his eyes, Deidara was only a failure who had no future, he often told Deidara that he though Kamiko should have been born into their family and not Deidara. Deidara lived with the guilt of letting his father down. He'd always liked art, it was the source of his techniques, but his father never had time to listen, he was busy with ANBU stuff and training Kamiko. But, his mother favored him. It may have simply been out of pity, but she took notice of Deidara's abilities just as Deidara's father took notice of Kamiko's. But, even if Deidara's father didn't care. Even if his mother didn't, he was content in knowing that Kamiko did. They all believed that their lives would continue on that way forever, until... The day Deidara found out about Akatsuki. He'd heard alot about it, but never really thought of joining until recently. That day, everything changed when thirteen-year old Deidara killed his father along with 100 other villagers, leaving a grieving mother and a traumatized sister behind. At first, when he was asked by Kamiko why his father was the first to die, he stated that it was because he had been treated so poorly. That, however, was not the case.... Deidara had far better reasoning. It was because, he'd killed Kamiko's parents and not told a soul. With that, Deidara fled Iwagakure and was recruted into Akatsuki. What he never knew was, his father's dying words to Kamiko was telling her the Deidara killed her parents. Giving her new reasoning to hate him, Deidara never knew what had become of Kamiko and his mother. He'd given it thought and wondered if he'd ever see them again, but he stayed focused on his missions and obligations to Akatsuki. Nine years later, He was teamed with a famous Puppet Master known as Akasuna No Sasori (Sasori of the Red Sand). They often argued about each other's view on art. Deidara's opinion being that art is the beauty of a single moment, and Sasori believing that art is a thing of eternal beauty. Despite their differences, Deidara highly respected Sasori, even reffering to him as "Sasori No Danna" (Master Sasori). Whether Sasori had the same respect for Deidara was unknown, but he didn't care. Later, Sasori unfortunately was killed in battle, leaving Deidara partnered with Tobi. He didn't much care for Tobi and ofter threatened his life, whether it be blowning it up or strangling him. Not that Tobi didn't deserve it, though. Deidara continues to believe that Sasori is alive somewhere, and searches for him, still. "How could someone stronger than me, be killed so quickly?" He wonders. He also still wonders about the village he left behind nine years ago. As the story later unfolds, it is revieled that before Deidara joined the organization Akatsuki, he worked as a terrorist bomber, seeing it as an opportunity to use his artwork. Itachi, later took part in Deidara's joining of Akatsuki, by forcing him to join them and also giving Deidara a first glimpse of the Sharingan's 'Art'. Itachi, Sasori and Kisame confronted Deidara and told him about Akatsuki, at first Deidara didn't care, he was a loud child and very unshy which bothered the other Akatsuki. Deidara remained unenthusiastic about the thought of joining the Akatsuki, this is until Itachi told him that if he lost the fight, he would have to join the Organization. Deidara, of course lost after being caught in the Illusionary Genjutsu, that was part of his reasoning for betraying the village. Ever since that day, Deidara has trained his left eye. (The one with the scope) to completely dessipate any Genjutsu, such as Mangekyou Sharingan. During his fight with Sasuke, he uses his C4 Garuda, saying that it was meant for Itachi, the C4 Garuda was the form of a giant Deidara and it exploded in to little pieces, everything they touched blew of with them. ............. There we go. ^-^ Enjoy. Took 3 days, used colored pencil and mechanical pencil.

Naruto Fan Art
deidara, kamiko, naruto, tsukasa hack sign
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