katami (Fan Art Portfolio) Enter My Contest Please!!

Enter My Contest Please!!
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It's contest time!!! So what is it? It's an outfit contest for my oc katami! (shown above and in my pics 'summer time' and 'katami' for other references) There will be four amazing categories to enter for more variety and more prizes!! (more prizes=more fun right?) The categories are as follows: ~every day ninja clothes (she is a naruto oc afterall) ~formal wear (dresses, evening gowns etc. be creative and have fun!) ~swimsuit (it is summer afterall...) ~gothic lolita (i don't know if I spelled that right but it's a category for people with a darker side lol) There will be first second and third places for each category. Feel free to enter as many imes as you want but you cannot win all the categories, it will just boost your chances of winning. The deadline is august 1st, that gives you all about a month. Well, that's the basics but i'll probably have something more detailed on my site either later today or tomorrow. Please PM me to join so I know who's entering^^ and to anyone who enters: I will try to feature all submissions on my site and well as vote and fave all entries so please enter if you have the time! I would really like this to be a big contest. as for the pic above, i tried really hard to make her porportionate, did it turn out okay? comments and critique are appreciated! please enjoy!! ~later

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
angel, blue, contest, cute, girl, katami, kawaii, pretty
33 votes thumb
23 members Favoritefavorite
sakura dancer WingzBroken khismylife sasuke fan4 life mizumi hikari Some Loser cosmo2389 sasukesangel Sasukesgirl100 Kazusa
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