CriesOfChimera (Fan Art Portfolio) Sasuaiya!!

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First--the effect of the coloring or whatever on this drawing is fake. It was obviously made on the computer, and I only did that so you can actually SEE it. ANYWAYS, this goes with my fanfic "In Love With The New Sensei", not that any of you know about it. No, Sasuke doesn't start becoming "madly in love" with Aiyama. No, actually she likes Naruto in the begining and detests Sasuke with everything she's got. Yet, after about 80 pages into the story, she starts think differently. (Yes, i said 80 pages, single space, 12 bold times new roman BTW) She's a Haruno, but her family hates her. They wish she was dead, but they wouldn't dare try because they're scared of the Kekkei Genkai she posses. It's kinda like how Naruto is treated by the adults around the village, except the part she has to LIVE with them. Aiyama starts realizing how much Sasuke is like her, having really no family so during the 2nd chuunin exam they start to become very close. That's only because Naruto goes all evil on them and disappears. They really start loving each other, but in a brotherly-sisterly way. Nothing more than that. They still hate each other, more or less like siblings, obviously. Yet as they start growing closer and closer together, Sasuke starts liking her more than just "family". You know, like how almost opposite you are from a really close friend of the opposite gender and you grow so much to like them, that you love them? Well, that's how they're relationship works...eventually. He loves her for around 4 years before she starts to "get" it. Pretty much the whole time Aiyama is oblivious to it. xD srry for the ramble. @.@ Just wanted to make things clear to those who don't particularly like charaXoc. ^.^ Wanted to say that they don't just automatically like each other. ~Hay

Naruto Fan Art
aiyama, naruto, sasuaiya, sasuke
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