Nikooru-chan (Fan Art Portfolio) Kas And Dax

Kas And Dax
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*Sigh* Fine, you win. We've got our own OC catogory now, so we won't have to bug you with our own characters. I seriously don't agree with this though. *is sad* Anyway, these are two Invader Zim OC's. Kas and Dax. Kas is the obvious Irken, the green one with the multicoloured eyes. Dax is the one in the cloak, though I don't take credit for her design. Jhonen owns that. I just came up with a story to go with her, since she only appears twice and has no name. Kas is a border-line defective (an Irken not legally considered a defective, but is treated badly like one) because of her eyes. She actually has a malfunctioning EB (Emotion Blocker) and her LC (Loyality Chip) which means she feels emotions Irkens are't supossed to feel, and can go against the empire at her own will. She's got a crush on Zim. Dax on the other hand, is a full-fledged defective, because her eyes are blue. Her EB is also broken. She is sent as a double spy for the Irkens to take down the Resisty (if you don't know what that is shame on you) from the inside out. She trusts the Resisty more then she trusts her own race, but her LC is flawless, so she has no choice but to try her hardest to destroy them. She wears the cloak because "she is ashamed to show her true race" which is a lie. She devolepes a good relationship with most of the Resisty, but is the most attatched to Lard Nar (not romantically). Well, there's all the useless information you need. Sorry if you actually read all that. I'm not really fond of the colouring, but I did it at 2 am last night, and just desided to post if today. But, I'd love to get feedback, please tell me how I can improve!

Fan Characters Fan Art
dax, invader zim, kas, nikooru-chan, oc
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2 members Favoritefavorite
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