(Fan Art Portfolio) Broken Down On Memory Lane:sasusaku

Broken Down On Memory Lane:sasusaku
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Whew!>.< this took the whole week, sketching, coloring, placement,earasing. I had to edit it a few times too on a photoshop prg. but it was well worth it. Plus my scanner did not kill it *hugs scanner*. Anyway, I was originally going to put the older versions of Sakura,Naruto,and Sasuke in the bg and the team in the middle but I decided it looked better as just Sakura and Sasuke. Sakura 's pose was off some manga chapter i refed form and saukes pose i kinda came up with it I think his hair looks horrible though it kinda of went blech on me. The bottom part was form the ep. where Sasuke leaves to go to Orochimaru and I thought it Fit well. I did the botom part in black and white because it is more like a distant memory and I drew the top in color because it is more in the preasent. The words are part of a FOB song "Don't You Know Who I think I am?" there is a last part the one on the piece that I wanted to put on pic fpr awhile and this one was perfect. Hope you like~ Materials: Ref pic used for certain parts. permanent makers Colored pencils no.2 pencil Photoshop program paint program

Naruto Fan Art
memory, naruto, sakura, sasuke
7 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
Tohya-san death from gaara
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