WARNING SPOILER!!!! (the unknow!) the unknow person is a girl. dum scanner messed it up. oh well. i hope it still looks good^^' well this is my entery for brit-brat wolf's contest. also working on shading. not going so well this time. well im praticing. sakura= bunny deidara= cat hidan= wolf unknow= raven PS> if you see a rikku pic by saske'scute137. its mine. dont do anything to her cuz i was on her account trying to get into her backroom. for some reason i cant get into the backroom. so i just submited a pic of mine on her acount. just to see if anything would happen. so DONT DO ANYTHING TO HER!! NO PM's, NO FLAMMING , NO MEAN COMMENTS!!!
bob the 3 (Fan Art Portfolio)
Brit-brat Wof Contest

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- Created
- 07/14/07
- Category
- Naruto Fan Art
- Tags
- akatsuki, animals, deidara, hidan, sakura, unknow
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- Votes
- 7 votes
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- 8 members
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