sasukesangel (Fan Art Portfolio) Smexy Bishi Yuki For Sari!

Smexy Bishi Yuki For Sari!
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Please vote and comment. Please View in high res. Cha all in pencil if you guys can't tell... Can't find my outlining pens... again. Well I have been practicing on my art at drawing guys and I must say that I am very pleased with how I drew him... But on the other hand I curse the quickiness of the job that I did in Photoshop... I am gonna redo it but just with Yuki. =3= Sari looks funny... Maybe because I have been working on my UBER chibis too! Oh ho! =w= But I allow anyone to have a massive nosebleed if they loves Yuki. 0_o ~just realize~ DUUUUUUDE Yuki and Sari have the same kinda gray/silver thing going on. 0_0 No they are not related... But they are married Cha. All this is inspired by naruto... Lol oh snap I have to put this on DA too. Well have fun ogling Yuki and his Bishiness. Because I am ~drools~ Sari and Yuki belong to me. Art belongs to me too. ~::..Chimoko..::~ P.S. OMFG I DREW MAN NIPPLES!!! ~DIES~ Ohh yeah.... I might draw Yuki and Rai(rethguals Oc that she probably forgot about and do Yaoi picture) Cha did I mention... Yuki is Bi! =w= Ohh curse me and my love of Yaoi.

Naruto Fan Art
bishi, hot, lynn, naruto, sari, sasukesangel, yuki
3 votes thumb
2 members Favoritefavorite
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