Raindrop23 (Fan Art Portfolio) Void

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PS: PREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE high res! ; ;;;;; the thumb is so hideously smooshed! i see no mirrors! this is my entry for gothicdrawer's sin contest! just draw your portrayal of any of the seven deadly sins and that's it! ^ ^ really simple idea; i like it. so i decided to throw in my money and make a picture of vanity, or more commonly known as: pride. i like vanity better because it sounds fancier and i think vanity herself like it better. ^ ^;; but yeah. symbolism! red: i know that vanity's real colour is purple, but i had an itch for something bloody red. it symbolizes EVILLLLL OOOOH~~~. broken mirrors: okay two for this one! 1) broken mirrors = bad luck. i think that vanity would bring a lot of bad luck, don't you? 2) she doesn't see herself the way we do. so the mirrors are broken like her distorted imagination of her outer appearance. mask: this originally had a bunch of masks hanging around her, but there was just too much stuff going on so i took them out. i left this one because it symbolizes her closed (covered, hur hur) mind and to how she thinks herself as a beautiful object, which is what the mask is! but the eyes are open and light is shining through so that she can still see her BEEEEEEOOTEEFUL self. gown: simplistic beauty! if it was a detailed gown...that's greed's thing. greed has all the detailed pretty gowns, but vanity knows she's beautiful even without all the little bits. that's four for four! ^ ^ i hope you enjoy it, gothicdrawer. best of luck to all contestants, too! photoshopcs2 7-8hrs? gravity of love by enigma ; cursum perficio by enya PS: high res is most certainly NOT a deadly sin.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
gothicdrawer, sin, vanity
28 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
SolemnSerpent shizuka101 Sasukesgirl100 SailorScout007 FinderOfLostSouls
Member Dedication
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