Full Title: "It's the Passion that makes Everything worth it All" Range of Pencils on regular paper... I'm so happy with how it came out, since I'm not used to doing perspectives... I was inspired by the very begining of "Days of the Phoenix" by AFI. Like, literally, the VERY begining... As soon as it began, and I haven't heard this song in years, a picture flooded my mind. A man, a rocker, circled by crows and ravens...holding his microphone up in the air... it was beautiful. I only hope that my feeble artistic skill could match up to my imaginations idea! Also, the original idea was for it to be a sun, instead of moon...but...eh, I can't draw sun rays too well... Any comments and structered critisizm is very much welcomed. Thank you for looking! ^^; --Kita!
Chaokitty (Fan Art Portfolio)
It's The Passion

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