Homsar88 (Fan Art Portfolio) .::neko. Lover's Request::.

.::neko. Lover's Request::.

This picture was requested by friend, Neko.Lover. She wanted me to draw her a neko Sasuke which I just finished last night. Im actually quite proud of this piece. It may be a VERY simple work but Im still proud of it. 1st off, it's cute even though it's Sasuke(I dont like him). 2nd, It wasnt extremely hard/time-consuming so I didnt over do it, like my last few pieces. 3rd and most imprtantly, I didnt screw the lineart up so badly this time. Usually the inking I do for my works is terrible(in my view) because there are alot of mistakes. Don't protest because if I was to submit just a lineart Im sure you ppl would be apalled by the difference. So...yeah..... Well, I took some reccomendations from ppl and stuff so yeah... Insane Android said I shouldnt do whiskers again so I didnt do that, and I took AngelBest Dream's advice and editted this (mostly) on Open Canvas. However, today I found out the hard way that you SHOULD NOT under any circumstances resize on Open Canvas! Not only because doing the math(it has a somewhat funky resize setup because it's foreign program Im guessing) and because it cuts off pixels. If you do not know what I mean, find out the hard I totally dare you! Well anyways I feel shitty right now so Ill stop rambling and whatnot.... I hope you like it. Actually all I hope is that I dont get flamed again. Ppl can be real bitches when they're jealous of you...lmao... Comments? Votes? Faves? P.S. AngelBest Dream your Haruhi request is on the way. Spreading the infection. Homsar88.

Naruto Fan Art
black, chibi, kawaii, naruto, neko, request, sasuke
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6 members Favoritefavorite
KoInu kyan Neko.Lover
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