This my my entry for SickOfThis's Color Contest.^^
A bit hard to color since I only have 2 different grey colored pencils.^^"
The color grey isn't really a color that people see as beautiful. Most people decribe the color grey as dull and boring. But, my description on grey is different. :)
Most people consider the color white as good, while the color black is differentiate as dark or evil. Things aren't only good or bad. There's a little of both in everyone. Thus, the color grey. The world can't be seen as only a black and white (which is considered as one or the other) senario. The color grey represents the twists and turns that life holds..
My picture represents that there are a bit of good and bad in everyone (which is represented through the black and white pearls). The white ribbons wrapped around her arms shows her light, while the shadows casted by the ribbons shows the evil inside her as well. So.. a little bit of white, and a little bit of black, creates the grey which is inside all of us.^^
Not one of my best drawings, but I really wanted to participate in this contest.^^" And I've found out, that's it's not easy to put feeling and meaning into words. XD (Note my bad explanation of 'Grey')
Hope this is understandable. ..hopefully.^^"