Nikooru-chan (Fan Art Portfolio) Canin

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Yes, I went there. X3 This is my Harry Potter OC, Canin Rebecca Easty, a demiguise/witch, who turns 315 this year. Yay for birthdays. She's in a fanfic I am currently working out the kinks for. It's going to be called " Eyes of a Gryffindor" which is basically an alternate universe of the last four books. You're probably wondering why she has such an odd name, Canin. Well, Canin's origional role was to be an animagis frozen between her two forms (a rogan red Akita inu). She'd of had two red ears and a curled, fluffy tail. After a lot of changed character changes however, I got rid of her dog traits. However, I had been calling her Canin for so long, a name that I thought went well with her combined form, that changing it was hard. My second choice was Rebecca, a name I'm quite fond of, but it lacked the flare and uniqueness that Canin had. I searched and searched for another, spunky name, but I found none. So Canin stuck. Well, that was a long and useless paragraph. Sorry if you read that, I tend to ramble. *sweatdrop* Please, vote and comment! zgive me feedback and tell me how I can improve! Edit: I was just thinking, and you prenounce Canins 'Kay-nin' Like canine without the e. =3

Fan Characters Fan Art
canin, harry potter, hp, nikooru-chan
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