Ami the Eldest (Fan Art Portfolio) Sakura And The White Rabbit

Sakura And The White Rabbit

RAWR! Sakura knows how to catch the white rabbit correctly. :] Now for the real purpose of this.I'm holding a contest, and heres your info. It's Alice in Wonder/Horrorland. The contest ends Oct 31st with results coming out Nov. 3rd. Even if you don't end up entereing, it'd be nice to have some support/advertising as well? I don't know who to IM about it. There are three 'catigories' so to say. The first is just using traditional Alice in Wonderland characters/anime characters, the second being using any of my original characters, and the last is using your own. The first is rather obvious, use any character from any show, or the traditional characters to show in your art. I'm including the orginal characters because I'm interested in the horrorland side of that. :] Also, don't expect to win if you do a piece like this. Expand out your anime a bit. Use a lesser known one. I don't really want a piece of Naruto/TMM/Blech because those are way to popular. [YYH would be nice though, *HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE EXTRA POINTS FOR THE FIRST*] The second is using any of my characters from either The Darkside seirse, or Betrayal [Naruto]. That or if you see any interesting person I drew in my portofolio belonging to me, then use them too. Lastly, is your own characters for it. This catigory is only able to be entered if you have a fanmaga going. The comic has to have at least five pages, all with story plot and characters. [In other words, no introductions/credits/i'm going away/etc]. That, or if EVERYONE already knows your characters. [It should be obvious who these folks are.] And of course, if I know you and know your characters. The only reason this is so harsh is because it's nice to see other peoples works/characters, but it's sort of annoying not to have any background info on em since everyone has their close circles. [Oh, I'll take writing pieces too for characters if you don't have a fanmanga but have a story so i can learn about them. It MUST be well written though. If it's crap, I'll deny you permission to join this catigory. ;] Check your grammar, spelling, mary-sues, cliches etc.] Alright, I'll judge on art quailty, orgininalty, and how much effort was put into it. You can enter more than one catigory of course, and can two in each catigory. [If you enter two, they have to be half and half. One horrorland and one wonderland.] Tag/Title it "We're All Mad Here" so I can find it, and PLEASE message me so I can make sure to see your entry. :] Hope this sounds interesting. As for prizes, we all know how that works. One picture from each catigory will be selected, and the catigories are not all equal in prizes. The first part [normal characters/show characters] is worth a full CGed picture of whatever. The second [my characters], is an inked and colored pencil picture of whatever. [- minus romance] The last [OC's] is worth a inked/computer inked picture of whatever. [- minus romance] Then, there will be one picture that I like the most and they will be able to choose whatever median they want me to use, and it can be whatever they want. Now for a bit on the picture. I just thought it was either Sasuke as the white rabbit or Naruto, but I figured it'd be nicer to see her hit Sasuke with a spiked hammer than Naruto. :] I'm still waiting for her to hit him.

Naruto Fan Art
naruto, rabbit, sakura, sasuke, white, wonderland
47 votes thumb
58 members Favoritefavorite
shizuka101 TohruAndou soraroxas scarletwolf963 bulletxhole Deidaragirl123 itachisgirl1 inu7kagfanatic3 LittleSecret Shi Bum Bumm xXGelXx ookamirox mewmewchoco sweet memories katami LoveMeOrHateMe123 Ninjakonekokaty EdoGirl36 Lilyanora TsuNekoChan Darkest Rogue Cari-chan SilverMist122 eureka454 LintuHitose
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