bob the 3 (Fan Art Portfolio) Music Is My Escape

Music Is My Escape
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I know its going downwards. I can't make them perfectly striat. oh well I got this Idea from my avay wtich is someones pic. I saw that phase and its so true!!! I always use music to escape from the world!! So I made a peom about it. Peom is my own. And I hate to do signitures(sp) not good at them but oh well. I just like how my peom came out,.....draw not so is the peom if u cant read it- Music is my Escape This world, its to much for me to handle Getting yelled at, teased, not feeling wanted I just want to escape, it feels like there is nowhere to escape But there was. Beats. Pattran. Rythem. It all came together It sounded wonderful. A world full of words, full of emotion Not the other wold of hate I felt This world of sound was like no other A place to feel nothing of hurt and hate Music is all that it was Music, a world to escape to Music.... is my..... Escape bob the 3 enjoy! plz comment or vote!! Reminder- For thoos who are doing my manga charaters and thoose who want to(look in proflio) They don't have to be done till the end of the moth or more do to my wrist. So you have time. Just PM me when you done

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
escape, music
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1 member Favoritefavorite
Member Dedication
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