becca1525354 (Fan Art Portfolio) Madison! Dont!

Madison! Dont!
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"wanna play?" mint asked madison as she sat looking at her reflection in the river "no... Not right now..." she said with a sad voice. "mint felt sorry for her but walked away. "who am I? why am I here?..." tears almost fell from her eyes "madison w-why dose this name make me wanna scream?!" she ran inside the INN and push rain aside as she was coming out. "ouch!" rain said falling on a thorn bush "rain! rain are you ok?!" mint asked pulling her out "yeah Im fine... whats up with madison?" she asked. Mint looked at her then the door "its probely nothing..." she said with the same look as madison.rain yawned then streched "Im getting sleepy see ya in the morning..." rain said walking into the old INN. Mint nodded and fellowed her ~latter on that night~ madison look at mint as she slept "im sorry" she said under her breath. She got out of bed and walked outside. minutes latter mint woke up to see madison was gone!. Madison sat down looking at the cold wavy water as it hit the cliff that was very close to the INN "they would be better off with out me... All I do is bring pain and suffering..." tears left her eyes as she got up and put on foot off the cliff "MADISON! DONT PLEASE STOP!!!" Mint cryed but it was already to late she was pundeling down to the sharp rock at the bottem... what happens next!? YOU DESIDE! wright out what happens next in your comment! ^^

Fan Characters Fan Art
death, dont, madison, mint
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