becca1525354 (Fan Art Portfolio) Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love
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THEY ARE JEST SO CUTE! aww sonic dose the big brother thing so well it was 6:27 pm and getting dark tails had gone out skiing but didintcome back. Sonic was the first to worrie "its bin hours... Im gonna go and find him" he said to amy while putting on his coat meanwhile... tails was jest walking back when he started to feel very numb "i-i think t-this i-is a b-blizzard..." the fox said trying to keep warm suddenly a strong wind blew in his face.infact it was so strong it made him fly a few feet in the air "AHHHH!!!" he screamed in horrro sonic heard a scream and wint sonic speed to find the sound tails was crying in pain. He had hit himself very hard on the head and was bleeding. He started coulfing. Jest then he looked up first it was nothing but a blue blur but the he image turned into a blue hedghog with worried eyes. tails started to cry in relefe of seeing his hero. Sonic pulled the yellow fox into a warm hug the fox barried his face into the hedghogs coat "everyone was worried about ya..." sonic said patting the back of the foxs head "i-im sorry..." tails cryed thinking he was mad sonic hugged him tighter "lets go back little bro..." sonic said leaning down ready to give him a piggy back the little fox smiled tears still streaming down his cheeks. He jumped on holding on tight at amys house... "ideot!"amy saidstaring at the fox with a mad look "you had us all worried! and you got my sonicku all wet!"she said yelling "amy! amy... calm down I didint mind infact it was kinda enjoyable fresh air cant get anouf of it!" he said trying to be funny tails giggled but amy didint she started to get sad but then smiled and got the bandeges she sarted bandgeging up tails "you two have got to be more carfule..." she said smirking "i'll get the fire place going..."she said leaveing the room a few minutes latter sonic and tails were raped up in to soft blankest buy the fire suddenly tails closed his eyes and fell asleep on sonic. Sonic blushed but didnt mind that much he started to pet the little fox till he fell asleep smileing... this has bin a sonic and tails moment by me sonic fans:awwww.... sonic hater:BOOO!!! me:*takes a tazer gun and shoots him in the ass* please sit down sir. Please forgive me for my bad spelling people I got a D in grammer >>

Sonic Fan Art
cute, sonic, tails, ^^
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2 members Favoritefavorite
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