becca1525354 (Fan Art Portfolio) Help!

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The fear was now comeing true... Fire lit up the old woods, and ever tree was screaming througe the hot steamy wind. crys of those trees were screaming in my ears it pained me to seeuch a beautiful forest getting killed... But I had to keep surtching for that chaos emarld and at the same time keep the child safe from that chocky dark smoke. He was holding on the me crying, bleeding, coulfing and chokeing! I was also crying thinking it would ither be the smoke or fire that would kill us... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it was early in the morning when tails woke me up. "rocky! rocky!" he said calling my name. "do you know what day it is?!" the fox asked jumping up in down "my brithday!" he said before I could anser I smiled and gave him a hug. he blushed "so... How old are you tails?" I asked "nine!" he said holding out nine fingers I smiled and patted him on the head "ok then! you can have waffels today! arnt they your fave?" I asked walking down the wooden steps as soon as he heard "waffels" he raced down stairs. When I arived in the kitchen I seen sunset drinking some orange juice 'Hello sunset..." I said rubbing my eyes "good mornin to ya to rocky!" she anserd back. "today is tails birth day" I said pulling out a pan "oh really?" she said with a bright smile "so im guess your makeing his birth day breakfest?" she asked me while takeing a nother sip of juice "yep..." I said "home made waffels I learnt from my mo-" I froze "rocky?" tails and sunset said at the same time. memmories of that frightning day came back to me.... suddnly sonic bursted in "hey guys-" he paused when he seen the beautiful sunset sitting at the tabel sipping juice "hey sunset wanna go on a date?" he asked sitting down "no..." she said "aw! why not?!" he asked "because I said no..." she said finishing her drink tails started to pat his older brothers back "like I ALWAYS say.... there is always amy!" the fox said he sighed "thanks tails.... !!! .... Oh by the way happy birth day little bro"sonic said tails blush from being called "Little bro" sonic then pulled his atention to rocky who almost looked like she was crying "is she ok?" sonic asked sunset walked over to me and patted by back. And for some resone tolk controle of the burning waffels I looked at her and she gave me a wink "you should go out side and get some fresh air..." she said to be I smiled and walked outside on the rocky steps staring at the clouds moveing slowly in the cold breeze what suddenly turned warm. Tails came out and sat beside me "cold day for september isint it?" he asked me "yes..." I said "it surly i-" I paused, my eyes wide open mouth wide open as well. "OH MY GOD! A FOREST FIRE!!!!" I screamed pointing at the woods Tails was so shocked he fell down I ran inside screaming about a forest fire everyone was awake now so the room was filled with panic! complete madness "WOAH!" knuckels yelled "calm down!" cream said tails started tugging on sonic and rockys gloves "we can take the X tornato!" he said still in shock "it has a built in water supley!"he said now panting "ok so me rocky and tails will go and put it out! now everyone please stay calm! and stay here!" sonic said "but wha?!" sunset was speachless that they were leaving her beind! she want to take amys hammer and pownd sonics head into the ground. But before she could even think it they where gone A few moments latter... me tails and sonic wint the the forest and started pouring water on it. I thought it was going so well untill we hit something "AH!" tails screamed loseing controle on his ship sonic who didint even get a good grip fell off into the firie wast land "SOOONIIIC!!!!" me and tails both scream before we knew it we had crashed I opened my eyes and right away seen the yellow little fox on the ground blood al over him but not so bad as of to get the first aid kit out right away. He looked at me with his big blue eyes and hugged me tight worrieing about sonic.... I patted him on the head telling him everything would be fine but fear soon filled my heart I had jest noticed they had brought a chaos emarld with them! and it was gone! lost in a firie pit for all I knew! my eyes showed so much fear it made tails feel very uneasy soon after tears left my eyes and fear spred through the fox now knowing I didint know what to do... He thought he could rely on me but now.... Now he knew they were in great danger! tears filled his eyes he was thinking the worst so was I.... Then I was reminded on how my mother and father were killed and I felt very numb! The end? NO! you deside what happends next (HOLY CRAP I'V BIN TYPING FOR AN HOUR!!!! O____o)

Sonic Fan Art
fire, help, rocky, tails
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