Fullmetal Ichigo (Fan Art Portfolio) Restless

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"I'm not really good at all this stuff About telling everyone that I've got it all figured out Responsibility is not my bag of tea Give me some of that and I'll just turn and run away But it's just like the way you are to lift me up when I've gone too far away patch my fears and all of my scars it's just you and me Help me to see, to feel, your love is real Help me to see, to feel, your love is real You're the one that always calls my bluff and your information seems to keep me from wearing out if I'm in the dark I know you're there with me guiding every step I take in your liberty But it's just like the way you are to lift me up when I've gone too far away patch my fears and all of my scars it's just you and me Help me to see, to feel, your love is real Help me to see, to feel, your love is real..." ~Eyeshine (lead singer is Johnny Bosch, the voice of Ichigo) I am COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY ADDICTED to this song. Maybe because Ichigo sings it, but whatever. It makes me kinda emotional though, hence how this picture came to be. It's a quick picture though. Oh, the folds on his shirt don't make sense, so I fixed the picture on my DA account. =)

Bleach Fan Art
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6 members Favoritefavorite
hyriuu12 animewolfgirl
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