ahem...well...this is my first fanart in a while... This is Arima Soichiro from Kare-Kano. I just started reading it and I love it! I got the books from my library but they dont have the last volume!!!! How dumb is that? -_- Well I chose tsudas first style of him because I had the second volume at the time and yeah. I like how it turned out though ^^ I was gonna make the oputside all snowy but then i thought "why would the window be open if it was snowing?" so yeah...I was to lazy to make it closed so zI did that...dont pay much attemtion to it. It only has a stupid basketball court and random buildings. So the thing is, he just finished that book so he set it down. My mother thought he was going to pouch it off the damn thing.. -_- WEll this is getting TO long 8hours Done in Cgillust.
ms random (Fan Art Portfolio)

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