yes, another blonde moment, involving Enigma. the skit was so confusing, and i have A.D.D. and blondness(yes it is a real disease with no cure) not to mention i was on a sugar high. So yeah i couldnt understand any of it. So when the teacher asked what we though about it, she picked me(of course they always pick you when no clue) I said it went right over my head, now me being notorious(vocabulary points!) for ditsyness they all laughed a little and my friend said. "It would..." it was funny and i felt like an idiot, again XD well thats the story of ENGIMA. Comment and vote and fav me and my stupidity! XP
KittyKoma (Fan Art Portfolio)
Enigma Starts With An "e"?! Part 2

- Created
- 12/25/07
- Category
- Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- danii k, enigma, kittykoma
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- 14 votes
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- 2 members
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