HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELVES-CHAN!! sorry its late^^; i had to finish my term paper sooo it took a week to finsh ur bday pic^^ these 2 belong to elvesatemyramen! (estel and leetha) done with prismacolor colored pencils,colorless blender,and .45 pen estel came out a bit weird looking:( his hand thats holding the bowl looks like a kidneyXP lol but over all i like how they came out^^ and i love leethas pose! im really happy on how she tuned out^0^ tehe well hopes u like it! and sorry its late^^' plzz comment/vote/enjoy^-^
DogGirl (Fan Art Portfolio)
Happy Birthday Elves-chan!

- Created
- 12/30/07
- Category
- Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- bday, doggirl, elves, elvesatemyramen, estel, leetha
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- 10 votes
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- 4 members
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