KittyKoma (Fan Art Portfolio) Lee And Neji?

Lee And Neji?
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GUESS WHAT!?! this is my 100th picture! *o*! hawhaw Funny story to this picture i was watching naruto and then all of a sudden the thought accrued to me, what if Team Gai and Team Akane went out for a day at the sauna? (dont ask where i get these ideas i have the imagination of a creative 4 year old with the mind of Jiriaya!) anyways Airisu and Morire got out and saw Lee's a Neji's clothes. Airisu thought "hey what would we look like in their clothes?!" Morire looked at her in disgust. "you slut." So then Airisu tried Lee's on, it didnt fit... so she cut a few things off and fixed it so that it would. She liked it then she forced Morire to try Neji's. After a few minutes of biitching, and blackmail threating; Morire got into Neji's clothes(his pants didnt fit her at all though) and Airisu fitted her. They were looking in the mirror in this picture(i was just to lazy to draw a mirror) then Neji and Lee and Ketsuke(the only guy on team Akane.. poor thing) came in and saw the too modeling in the mirror. "What are you two doing!?" Ketsuke yelled. Airisu and Morire jumped and turned around. "what are you two doing?" Lee asked curiously. Neji was flushed and didnt say anything... loooong awkward silence.. XD COMMENT AND VOTE PLZ!

Naruto Fan Art
airisu, lee, morire, naruto, neji
27 votes thumb
21 members Favoritefavorite
shizuka101 TheAngelRaine Kisara Uzumaki Blood Moon Wolf teenytruffles animegirl01 xnejixtentenx narutoKHfighter Adam mewmewchoco LintuHitose
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