Raindrop23 (Fan Art Portfolio) Trick Of The Eye

Trick Of The Eye
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alternate titles:

"that's not a rainbow, it's a down-winding spiral into oblivion"
"blatantly obvious 2"
"don't go toward the light; it might be a train"

THE TITLES ARE TOO LONG AUUUUUUUUUUUGH. ; ; i'm beginning to sound like fall out boy with they're ridiculously retarded titles of songs! i mean, really, some of them titles of theirs are downright dumb and irrelevant (is somewhat hypocritical of latter accusation?). YAAAAAARGH!

first picture of the new year! though i won't be doing a lot of total nonsense pictures like this..or maybe i will, you never know. i'm going to try to keep them happy though, because on this site i still see a lot of sad emo pictures that FREAK ME OUT. golly, i don't understand what's so good about gettin' cuts all over your body and being chained up and agony and hatred. HONESTLY, SOMEONE THROW A PIE!

even though i'm sort of guilty of making emma look a little dark here...she's very skeptical and solemn most of the time, so i'm not going to make her flipping happy pancakes in a frying pan made out of sunshine...yet..-notes idea on hand-

and yeah! this was fun to make; rainbows always are! and i get to be really messy too, which is like crack for me. (read: I WOULD NEVER DO CRACK) but don't smite me if this gets featured like last time and be all "BUT THIS'D BE SOOOO EASY TO DO HOW DOES IT GET FEATURED?!?!?sixty-four!?!?!!" the messy style is quickly done, but isn't very easy to do.

don't be hatin, fo shizzle izzle!

control by riow arai ; cheryl tweedy by lily allen

PS: high res isn't gangsta, but it's trying as hard as it can.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
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14 members Favoritefavorite
akari yasutora kisskiss-bangbang shizuka101 SolemnSerpent Shi Bum Bumm Inachi Uchiha Cookie-Mage MyIE2 healer94
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