Don't you just love song fics? Haha, I do! Anyways, this is about the song Innocence by Avril Lavigne. I got mad cuz after I scanned it, I needed to cut off the extra sides and then I forgot to switch it back to how it's originally supposed to be (Neji right, Tenten left) and then I wrote on it and didn't feel like redoing it LOL Anyways, this was only a 30 minute thing, so I don't expect it to be great, but I hope you guys like it! Lyrics centered on: This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay. This moment is perfect, please don't go away. I need you now! And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by... It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming. It's the happiness inside that you're feeling. It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry... It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry! Story my friend wrote supporting it: Gai-sensei had Team Gai on a mission to deliver some goods to the Village of Sona. �Neji! Tenten! Let�s make it our goal to reach Sona in 3 hours!� Rock Lee yelled. �Lee, that�s impossible!� Tenten argued. �Nothing is impossible as long as we have our youth!� He replied. Tenten rolled her eyes. Neji barely even glanced at his crazy comrade. �Neji, something wrong?� Lee asked. �Hm? No. Nothing at all.� Neji replied. Tenten looked at him, a little concerned. �Neji?� �Yes?� �Um, never mind.� She turned away. Although her and Neji had been good friends for years, she had always had a secret crush on the 17 year old Hyuuga. She didn�t want him to know that though, not yet. Lee looked from Neji to Tenten, Neji to Tenten. Both ninjas looked as if their minds were elsewhere. He smirked, �Last one there�s a rotten egg!� And with that, he leapt ahead at an even faster pace. ��..� Tenten and Neji exchanged glances. Neji shrugged then they too increased their speed. --------X-------- �First!!� Lee screamed as they entered the gates to Sona. Neji came second and Tenten was last. �Tenten! You were last therefore you are the rotten egg!� Lee said. Tenten frowned. �Lee!� she said angrily. Neji smirked, closed his eyes, and shook his head. �Now,� he said, � Let�s get these goods to the Kazekage.� Tenten and Lee nodded. --------X------- On the way back to Konoha, Neji stopped suddenly. �What�s wrong, Neji?� Lee asked. He and Tenten had also stopped. �I heard something from behind.� He said turning. But everything was quiet. He frowned. �Byakugan!� �What do you see?� Tenten asked. �We�ve got company.� He replied in a low voice. Suddenly, a kunai flew out from the branches and hit Lee in his shoulder. He grabbed his shoulder in pain. �Lee!� Tenten gasped, � Are you okay?� He nodded. Neji turned to them. His eyes widened and then he pushed Tenten. A kunai just narrowly missed her head. She gasped, �Neji-� �We can�t stay here!� He yelled at them. �These guys are dangerous.� �How many are there?� Asked Lee, still clutching his bloody shoulder. �About twenty.� He said frowning. A kunai then came from no where and hit Tenten in the stomach. They were coming so fast that Lee and Tenten couldn�t see them coming. Only Neji could with his Byakugan. �I don�t know how much more I can take!� Tenten shouted. Neji cursed silently and looked at his comrades. The kunai stopped. Tenten fell to her knees and Lee leaned against a near by tree. His eyes searched the branches for some sign of the enemies. He found none. Tenten was panting with her eyes shut in the floor. Neji looked at Lee, and then at the kunoichi on her hands and knees. Then he looked at his own body--not a scratch. They can�t take another round of that. He thought to himself. He looked at their enemies. Half of them had left. That means only ten remained. But still, Neji could not defeat them on his own. And his comrades were certainly in no condition to put up a fight. And there was one more problem--Neji was best at close range combat, he couldn�t attack effectively if they stayed hidden in the trees and kept their distance, Tenten opened her eyes and stood up. �Okay,� she said as she removed a scroll from her back, �Now it�s my turn.� Neji was stunned. Lee the same. Tenten wasn�t in a particularly good condition. She had cuts everywhere and blood came out of both sides of her mouth. �Tenten�� Neji started. The young kunoichi bit her thumb, opened the scroll, and summoned all kinds of weapons. With most of her remaining energy, she flung weapons in every direction. When she was done, she had taken out three of them. Not enough, thought Neji, Although it was a good attempt. �Good job, Tenten!� Lee called, regardless of his poor condition. Amazing. As if as a warning, a kunai fired at Lee. �Why do they always fire at me first?� he asked as he effortlessly dodged the kunai. Neji and Tenten had to try to keep themselves from laughing. But there was nothing to laugh about in a second. The kunai were fired again. But more of the ninjas had retreated, so there weren�t as much as the first time. Neji counted only four left. Although the ninjas were strong, they were cowardly. But they could still fatally injure someone. Shoot, Neji thought to himself, Lee may be able to take a few more hits, but Tenten is done for. Through his Byakugan, everything could be slowed down. So when things appeared to be moving in slow motion, he ran in front of Tenten and wrapped his arms around her protectively. The kunai stopped. When Tenten looked up, she saw Neji. She felt so secure in his arms, but he had taken a direct hit. When Lee and Tenten were hurt the first time, they were able to avoid vital spots on their bodies. But Neji wasn�t able to do that. He stayed still through it all with Tenten. Lee was unaware of what had gone on until he heard Tenten say Neji�s name. His eyes widened at the sight of Neji. Several kunai stuck out from his back and blood was coming out of his fresh wounds. Tenten stared spellbound up at Neji. He reached back and took the kunai knives from his back. Then he spun around and flung them at the ninjas. He had only hit one. The Hyuuga remained still for a moment. Then after a long silence, he started to fall back. Tenten broke out of her trance. �Neji!� she screamed. She reached out and caught him before he hit the ground. �Neji�� she breathed, �Why?� Blood streamed out from the sides of his mouth. He coughed. Tears filled in Tenten�s eyes. Neji looked up at her. Tears were in his eyes too. Now hot tears were running down her cheeks. He coughed again. His eyelids were slowly lowering. �No, Neji!� she screamed, �Don�t die! You can�t! I love you so much!� ��.� Lee was watching from a few yards away. He, for one of the first times, didn�t know what to do. He could only watch as his comrade was slowly dying. But then he remembered the last two ninjas in the trees. He listened carefully until he heard the leaves rustle and a twig break. Then he took off in that direction. Tenten was really hoping that someone would randomly come up and help them. Where was Gai-sensei in a time like this? Neji�s head was rested on Tenten�s arm. He could feel her breathe and the tears trickling off her chin. His own breathing was slowing down. When Tenten noticed this, she only cried harder. �Tenten�� Neji said slowly and softly, �I�.love�.you too.� He coughed. Then he tried to sit up--no use. He wiped the blood from his mouth. Tenten blinked. All this time�she thought, All this time--if I had just worked up the courage to tell him sooner--we could have-- Her thoughts were interrupted. Neji had pulled her face close to his. And when their lips touched, Tenten had forgotten all of her thoughts. She closed her eyes. The warmth of the kiss filled her body. Neji�s hand fell from her cheek. Tenten lifted her head. She saw Neji force a small smile, then his eyes closed.
xnejixtentenx (Fan Art Portfolio)
This Innocence Is Brilliant

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- Created
- 01/05/08
- Category
- Naruto Fan Art
- Tags
- innocence, love, neji, nejiten, tenneji, tenten
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