**sigh** I know, it's smudged. But I tried, okay? I've picked a name for her: Capella. I've got ideas for lots of other gypsies too, and I'm going to name them all after stars. She has a sister named Andromeda. I was going to name her Bellatrix, but I didn't want to borrow too much from Harry Potter. You can't tell in this picture, but what makes her special is that she has an automail spine. That will be shown in a different picture, but it's really cool. I'm going to draw the story for her soon. I couldn't draw her other eye right, so I conveniently covered it with hair. I think this is pretty good... except for the "horse" she's riding. I'm not even going to pretend that I can draw horses... The hands aren't so bad, though. As for comments, please forget about being constructive and courteous and all that. If some parts are really bad, please just tell me.
snake chimera (Fan Art Portfolio)

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- Created
- 01/06/08
- Category
- Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Art
- Tags
- capella, desert, fullmetal alchemist, gypsy, oasis
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